Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) is a top-tier scholarly journal aiming to advance the understanding and practice of information systems.

JMIS is published quarterly by Taylor & Francis.

Editorial Introduction

Zwass, Vladimir

Determinants of Information Technology Outsourcing: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

Loh, Lawrence and Venkatraman, N

Root Causes of Strategic Information Systems Planning Implementation Problems

Lederer, Albert L and Sethi, Vijay

Information Centers as Organizational Innovation: Exploring the Correlates of Implementation Success

Fuller, Mary K and Swanson, B Burton

MIS Skills for the 1990s: A Survey of MIS Managers' Perceptions

Leitheiser, Robert L

The Influence of Individual Differences on Skill in End-User Computing

Harrison, Allison W and Rainer Jr, R Kelly

Are Human-Factors People Really So Different?: Comparisons of Interpersonal Behavior and Implications for Design Teams

McLeod, Poppy L

AEI: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Integrated Office Systems

Amaravadi, Chandra S, Liu Sheng, Olivia R, George, Joey F, and Nunamaker Jr, Jay F

Knowledge-Based Support for Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Judgments in Resource Allocation Decisions

Agarwal, Ritu, Tanniru, Mohan R, and Dacruz, Marcos

Performance Analysis of "What-If" Databases Using Independently Updated Views

Ramirez, Richard G, Kulkarni, Uday R, and Moser, Kathleen A

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