Journal of Management Information Systems (JMIS) is a top-tier scholarly journal aiming to advance the understanding and practice of information systems.

JMIS is published quarterly by Taylor & Francis.

Editorial Introduction

Zwass, Vladimir

Supporting the Search for Competitive Advantage

Dennis, Alan R, Nunamaker Jr, Jay F, and Paranka, David

Delegation Technologies: Environmental Scanning with Intelligent Agents

Elofson, Gregg and Konsynski, Benn

Testing a Causal Model of End-User Application Effectiveness

Amoroso, Donald L and Cheney, Paul H

A Model for Evaluating Information Center Success

Magal, Simha R

The Utilization of Information Systems Technology in State Financial Management: An Empirical Assessment

Stevens, John M, Cahill, Anthony G, and Laplante, Josephine M

Risk Analysis for Information Technology

Rainer Jr, R Kelly, Snyder, Charles A, and Carr, Houston H

A Contingency Model of DSS Development Methodology

Arinzn, Bay

The Implications of Declining Enrollments in Undergraduate CIS Programs in the United States

Cale Jr, Edward G, Mawhinney, Charles H, and Callaghan, David R

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