Journal of Management Information Systems

From the Editor-in-Chief

It is my distinct privilege to welcome you to the website of the Journal of Management Information Systems. During over four decades of its publication, JMIS has been continuing its mission to present to you an integrated view of the field of Information Systems (IS) through the significant novel contributions by the best thinkers. These years have witnessed the emergence of IS as one of the established scholarly fields. Our discipline seeks to understand how systems can be organized, developed, and deployed effectively to manage information and knowledge toward specified outcomes, in order to support people, organizations, marketplaces, and products. Our research has gained particular salience as the value-delivery webs are enabled by IS, as dominant firms are organized around IS, as they deliver products that are fully or in a large part digital, as the new potent AI systems enable people and their organizations to reach for new levels of productivity, and as our lives and societies evolve around electronic relationships and interactions. Our field has a demonstrated ability not only to use theories developed elsewhere, but to contribute its own theories, methods, and theoretically-based artifacts to other scholarly fields.

Numerous now prominent research streams in the discipline have their origins in the foundational papers published in the Journal. Consistently among the top-ranked journals publishing IS research, JMIS has been privileged to be able to foster the growth of our discipline. Published research shows that JMIS is one of the three top-tier A+ IS journals. JMIS is one of the three IS journals recognized by the inclusion in the FT50 list of the top venues devoted to business scholarship. Our publications have always reflected the belief that thematic and methodological diversity within a well-defined IS domain is our strength.

We believe in the primacy of the authors, who entrust their hard-earned intellectual property to a scholarly journal. We highly value the contribution continually made by our expert referees and our prominent Editorial Board. We are grateful for the lasting support we have received from our community of scholars and reflective practitioners.

Best wishes,

Vladimir Zwass